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The Democratic Party or Republican?

Updated on May 10, 2015

Are Democrats Better than Republicans?

At some point we all ask ourselves honestly, what is the better party, Republican or democrat. This writer can even say that many people fall prey to the hype of the democratic party, portraying itself as the party that cares, only to be disillusioned by facts, while others simply cannot part from the liberal side out of fear of ridicule. The media is almost 100% owned and ruled by democrats, this is why one cannot just turn on the television and just see the news being reported. As long as that medium carries an interest, we will be bombarded by reporters who are not just reporting, but, swaying the way we think.

What does the democratic party stand for and what are the politicians trying to do? The party tries to get as much money from tax payers as possible so that they can have easy access to our money for their purposes.

What does the Republican party stand for? The big thing about Republican voters vs democrats, is that Republicans say that we should keep our own money and keep the government under control. By that, don't let the government rob the people to make itself fat.

Obviously, the Republicans are better for people than the democrats, but, what the democrats do as a business had made them more successful. They prey on people's insecurity and lack of knowledge, and come up with fear mongering tactics to make the public think that Republicans are anti female, anti black, and basically, anti as many things as possible so that the majority of people will think that the party is out to get them. It is the only way to get people to willingly vote for high taxes on themselves and a crippled economy, which consistently happens when a democratic majority is in rule.

There are no politicians who are out to make women get paid less than men, think out it realistically. It has been illegal to pay a woman less than a man since the1960s, and there is no way that men are hung up on trying to go back to that. There would be nothing in it for them. That is how you discern if it is true or not. Politicians are under stress, the things that they are trying to do are not so ridiculous as to pass a bill that makes women get paid less. But, this is something that democrats have pumped into the minds of their public. They also try to sway people to think that Republicans are all about being white racists. They know that no one wants to be associated with being a white racist and by pinning this idea on the Republicans, the stand to gain a lot of votes from people who are highly emotional and willing to believe such extreme propaganda. But, by creating so many demons they don't really have to do anything good, in fact, they can be extremely bad and the public will not call them out on it, they just say, "at least we don't have Republicans in office." That, being the ultimate control, when they can raise taxes, tank the economy, and go back on all of their promises without having to answer for it.

The liberals are fine with this wealthy family, and their fine tailored clothes, mansions all over the country, and life of silver spoons.
The liberals are fine with this wealthy family, and their fine tailored clothes, mansions all over the country, and life of silver spoons.
Show this photo to any liberal, and you are guaranteed to get an ear full about how much money they have, and how disgusting it is.
Show this photo to any liberal, and you are guaranteed to get an ear full about how much money they have, and how disgusting it is.

What Was the Occupy Movement?

Downtown San Diego sat a woman in tears. Her business had just gone bust! Bad economy? No, even the economy was not to blame for this one.

It was the Occupy protesters. AKA- The Democrats with too much Kool Aid in their systems.

You know, that group of people who Nancy Pelosi praised with a " god bless them, they are spontaneous and independent", and predicted that because their message is "clear and focused" that they would be successful.

This distraught lady who I saw packing up her lunch cart, had her very livelihood shattered by the occupy protesters. She ran a coffee cart in the business district, and now that the protesters were harassing people who are working in that area, not to mention defecating in some of the public areas, business people are either staying in, or driving to restaurants, and she is out in the streets alone, with only the protesters who are not interested in helping her stay in business, in fact, they have shown their contempt for her drive and work ethic, ordering her "give us some free coffee, we are doing this for America.!"

When I asked some of the Occupy Protesters what their problem was, the first thing I heard was "money!" from one of the women who was holding a sign that read, "I am the 99%".

I asked the entire group why they hate money and one of the men who could see that I was not entirely impressed with the scene here made an attempt to appear less radical and more levelheaded when he said, "all the politicians are rich and have everything they want, and they can't relate to us, yet they are making our decisions ." I decided to throw them a curve, and said, "oh, I see, you mean that Obama is out of touch, and has never really lived, and worked in the world the way most of us have."

What I got was a blank stare, that quickly turned to changing the subject. One of the protesters started talking about "needing" free birth control, while another said "free health care for all." In short they are all talking about different things, displaying anger about just about everything. So much for Nancy Pelosi and her delusion of a clear plan. They seem more as though they have watched too much MSNBC and are angry because the shills on that "news" program were non stop showing contempt for wealth whenever they spoke of a Republican, while the over paid celebrities and Democrats were given a free pass.

I asked what they think should be done to solve all of the things they ate so much, and was bombarded with, "less taxes, higher taxes, free health care, free birth control", ect. The thing that really stood out about these people was that they were quite self righteous in that they considered themselves to be very concerned for the well being of "the people", yet they had no problem kicking this poor woman out of business, making her cry and have to worry for the future her family. Of course I made a point of mentioning this to about 10 of the protesters only to hear, "if a few people and their businesses are sacrificed, then so be it." Who is to dictate which people are the sacrifices?

So much for caring for the working class. I guess they care when it's convenient.

My assessment of this mob was that they love being in a crowd, and protesting. It gives them something to do, an excuse for their short comings, and the opportunity to be with like minded people.

It is generally believed that this movement was started by the extreme left, and runs deeper than just a bunch of lazy people who want the government to run their lives. To a great extent, I was seeing people who were brain washed to a degree. Because even the relatively young protesters in their 20's knew that they were supposed to be against Mitt Romney, and all Republicans, and be accepting of Obama, and that was the bottom line.

The Young Liberal Man

A particularly quiet and polite man began talking to me about their movement, and I ended up saying something about Mitt Romney. I saw his face, he did not want to be aggressive, but he was obviously against Romney. So this was my chance to make him explain himself. After I said what I liked about Mitt Romney, I listened while he said, "well, yes what you are saying is true, but I just don't like the fact that he flip flopped." Meaning changed his stance on a few issues. The mainstream media demonized changing ones position on issues by calling it a flip flop.

I pointed out Obama's recent flip flop. Suddenly, I got excuses to the effect these guys are all politicians, and flip flopping is to be expected, and its really not that bad. Too much Kool Aid?

The liberal media knows that most people will not see, or inquire any deeper than what is presented to them. These people know how to complain on cue about Romney's flip flop, and to ignore Obama's flip flopping and his blatant lies.

When Obama was the rich guy, and his opponent, John McCain, was the guy who did not have enough money to campaign as heavily as his rival, the media was bragging about Obama's money. I recall that the liberals were saying, that Obama's money meant that he was "smarter" than John McCain, and that because he is so rich, he will do a good job with the economy.

Now, money was suddenly a bad thing, and the democratic party knows that the majority of people are not going to remember three years ago that they were the "rich party", while the Republican (McCain) carried around his own suit cases, and lap top, and Obama hob nodbed with the idle class.

No, there was no affinity for the guy who could not afford to bulldoze his opponent through hard cash marketing, negative ads, and of course those Bel Air fund raisers. Rich was in Vogue when Obama was the richest politician in the running!

Furthermore- When I pointed out that President Obama said that he would be the most transparent president ever, and immediately pushed through the stimulus basically bullying those who were trying to read it with, "there is no time, it must go through now," and we are still finding out what was in the stimulus. These liberal minded people responded, "I don't remember that."

I guess MSNBC fails to remind them.

I also discovered during my conversations with these protesters, that there was a huge movement, I can not tell exactly who or what was actually generating it, that pays these people to protest. One of these women had a daughter who's job was being a gay rights activist. She was receiving $12 per hour plus commission to stand in front of markets asking people to sign petitions.

Sure enough I saw an add on Craigslist asking for global warming activists. The numbers were the same as what the woman at the occupy protest mentioned. $12 per hour.

Yes, the democratic party knows who their target voters are for the elections.


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